Friday, January 14, 2011

Going where the wind blows me.

YES I AM! I'm shoving off and sailing least for a little while. My sights are focused on being gone until sometime in April but, my fall back plan is to be back by mid-February in case there is mutiny on the ship. Some of you have known about this wild hair scheme of mine and others are just finding out about it for the first time. In either case, I'm sure the thought going through your head is "he's doing WHAT??” My thoughts are that since the last few years have been....let's say, less than rewarding and having gone through several life changing events I decided there's no time like the present and cease the day (Do I get bonus points for using multiple cliché’s in one sentence?). I'm young enough, healthy enough and for the first time I'm single enough to make this become a reality. So, using the magic of Google I found a few prospective owners looking for someone to help them crew their sail boat to places unknown and Voila! I'm off to the Windward Islands. That's the Southern Caribbean Islands known as the Lesser Antilles for ye land lubbers (Click the link for a tidbit of knowledge on the area). For those of you who know probably caught it, yes I did say SAIL BOAT. Even though you know me a yacht broker and power boater I've always dreamed about learning how to handle a sail boat and having the range to go where ever the wind blows. I love my horsepower but, come cool is this? Ya know, learning how to sail, jumping off the deep end, and throwing caution to the wind.....(more points. lol).

I leave in three days, Monday 17 Jan 2011, to my stepping off point of St. Lucia. I have NO regrets of once again leaving behind my beloved childhood home of Elyria, OH....currently home of the frigid white stuff. In St. Lucia I have plans to meet my 48 ft. custom yacht, Cinnamon Girl, captained by Steve Van Rensburg. The guy Mr. Google found for me. It does seem a little strange to be meeting some guy for the first time that I primarily have only had email communications with. I've done my homework but still, I'm basically showing up with several suitcases full of belongings and saying "here I am" and hope for the best. lol. As far as I'm concerned it's all part of the adventure. I'm excited about the exposure to new people, places and things that just may teach me a lil something about the world and perhaps myself. It's been years since I've felt this sense of adventure and thinking it will recharge my batteries. I'm looking at this trip as an escape......from reality, myself, women, economy, the list goes on and I'm sure many of you know what I am talking about. I'm hoping for a fresh perspective or at least a chance to freshen up my attitude. Only God knows whats to come....speaking of which, maybe part of the trip is for he and I to get reacquainted too?

So, whether your captivated by the chance of doing something like this yourself and want to live vicariously or perplexed and wondering why in the hell I'm doing this, I invite you to "Follow" (see the link above to Follow) my shenanigans through the Caribbean. Maybe you'll find something you've lost too.

Trading the "Great White North" for the Lesser Antilles. Yahoo!

This snow is for the birds...wait, by the looks of this feeder maybe its not even for them. brrrr.

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